Omsys - Members

Please login to the members Omsys area through your MLM Software Member's Area and click on the Omsys link from the main menu, alternatively go to Admin > Omsys Admin > template > and click on a template. The same interface will appear. Though if you modify a template, it will be modified for all members.

a. Omsys Home

Member's Lounge of Omsys.

Today Tasks -

Contacts to call back today: Total contacts tht need to be contacted today.
Total Subscriptions: Total number of people that are subscribed to series
Total Contacts: Total amount of contacts

Autoprospecting URL -

URL of your Autoprospecting Website

Omsys News -

Any new news items regarding Omsys will appear here.

My Omsys Subscription -

Series: Displays total number of series currently have and the maximum allowed
Contacts: Displays total number of series currently have and the maximum allowed
Number of Autoprospecting Systems you own: Number of different Automatic Prospecting Websites you own.
Omsys Subscription Expiry Date: Date when your omsys subscription is due to expire.

b. Omsys Help

Omsys Help.

c. Members Lounge

Click Link to return to the MLM software member's lounge outside of Omsys.